How much does an elevator commercial cost?

How much does an elevator commercial cost?

If you’re considering running an elevator commercial, you might be wondering about the cost of an elevator commercial. The answer, unfortunately, is not as simple as a straightforward price per ad spot. The cost of an elevator commercial depends on various factors, such as the length of the ad, the number of Elevator units in the building, the geographic location of the building, and more.

The corresponding factors

  • Length of Ad

One of the most significant factors that will affect the cost of your elevator commercial is the length of the ad. Most elevator commercials are between 10 and 30 seconds long, but some can be as short as 5 seconds or as long as 1 minute. Naturally, the longer the ad, the more it will cost.

  • Number of Elevators Units in Building

Another factor that will affect the cost of your elevator commercial is the number of units in the building. If there are more units, that means there are more potential customers who will see your ad. As a result, you’ll likely have to pay more for your ad spot.

How much does an elevator commercial cost?

  • Geographic Location of Building

Another factor to consider is the geographic location of the building. If the building is in a prime location—such as downtown Manhattan—you can expect to pay more for your ad spot than if it were in a less desirable location. This is because businesses in prime locations tend to have higher advertising budgets and are willing to pay more for ad space. 

Generally speaking, however, most elevator commercials will cost between $500 and $5,000 per month. 

That may seem like a lot of money for such a short ad, but consider this: an average person spends about 3 minutes waiting for an elevator every day. That means that your ad will be seen by thousands of people over the course of a month! And because people are typically captive audiences when they’re waiting for an elevator, there’s a good chance that they’ll actually remember your ad—which is more than you can say for most other types of advertising. 

So if you’re looking for a new way to reach your target market, an elevator commercial may be worth considering. Just be sure to work with a reputable out-of-home advertising agency to get the best results. 


If you’re thinking about adding an elevator commercial to your out-of-home advertising mix, you may be wondering how much it will cost. The answer is that it can vary depending on factors such as the length of the ad and the location of the building, but most elevator commercials will fall somewhere between $500 and $5,000 per month. Not bad for ads that will be seen by thousands of people! Just be sure to partner with a reputable out-of-home advertising agency to get the most bang for your buck.  So, when deciding how much to budget for your elevator commercial, be sure to keep these factors in mind!

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